Friday, November 4, 2011

Advance Accounting 11e - Beams

Advanced Accounting 11e by Floyd A Beams. Chapter list: Ch1 : Business Combination Ch2 : Stock Investments — Investor Accounting and Reporting Ch3 : An Introduction to Consolidated Financial Statements Ch4 : Consolidation Techniques and Procedures Ch5 : Intercompany Profi t Transactions — Inventories Ch6 : Intercompany Profi t Transactions — Plant Assets Ch7 : Intercompany Profi t Transactions — Bonds Ch8 : Consolidations—Changes in Ownership Interests Ch9 : Indirect and Mutual Holdings Ch10 : Subsidiary Preferred Stock, Consolidated Earnings per Share, and Consolidated Income Taxation Ch11 : Consolidation Theories, Push-Down Accounting,...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fundamental of Financial Management 10e - Brigham

Fundamental of Financial Management 10e Brigham ch01 An Overview Of Financial Management ch02 Financial Statements, Cash Flow, And Taxes ch03 Analysis Of Financial Statements ch04 The Financial Environment: Markets, Institutions, And Interest Rates ch05 Risk And Rates Of Return ch06 Time Value Of Money ch07 Bonds And Their Valuation ch08 Stocks And Their Valuation ch09 The Cost Of Capital ch10 The Basics Of Capital Budgeting ch11 Cash Flow Estimation And Risk Analysis ch12 Other Topics in Capital Budgeting ch13 Capital Structure And Leverage ch14 Distributions To Shareholders, Dividends And Share Repurchases ch15 Managing Current Assets ch16...

Friday, September 23, 2011

Cost Management 6e Hansen Mowen

Cost Accounting 6e - Hansen Mowen Hansen Mowen - Cost Management/ Cost Accounting 6e. Chapter list: PART 1 Foundation Concepts 1 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Cost Management CHAPTER 2 Basic Cost Management Concepts CHAPTER 3 Cost Behavior CHAPTER 4 Activity-Based Costing PART 2 Fundamental Costing and Control CHAPTER 5 Product and Service Costing: Job-Order System CHAPTER 6 Product and Service Costing: A Process Systems Approach CHAPTER 7 Allocating Costs of Support Departments and Joint Products CHAPTER 8 Budgeting for Planning and Control CHAPTER 9 Standard Costing: A Functional-Based Control Approach CHAPTER 10 Decentralization: Responsibility...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Here are the links for slide of Intermediate Accounting IFRS Edition Vol 1. Please give comment for downloading this, that's all, just need some comments hahaha. ch01 Financial Reporting and Accounting Standards ch02 Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting ch03 The Accounting Information System ch04 Income Statement and Related Information ch05 Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Cash Flows ch06 Accounting and The TIme Value of Money ch07 Cash and Receivables ch08 Valuation of Inventories, Cost Basis Approach ch09 Inventories and Additional Valuation Issues ch10 Acquisition and Disposition of PPE ch11 Depreciation, Impairments,...

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Breast Milk Attack to Deputies

People may say that your mouth is your tiger, but this incident maybe will turn that statement become 'your breast is your tiger and also your weapon' ha ha ha.Stephanie Robinette was arresterd after sprayed deputies with her breast milk. This incident took place in Westerville, Ohio. According to a release from the Delaware Country Sheriff, Robinette allegedly hit her husband several times and then locked herself in the car. Her huband then called officers. When the officers attempted to take Robinette out from vehicle, she advised the officers that she was a breastfeeding mother and proceeded to remove her right breast from her dress and began spraying officers and the vehicle with her breast milk. Robinette then get arrested after more officers come. Several charge now waiting for her including...

Friday, July 1, 2011

Man Brought to Court For Using Egg to Rub Women's Chest

If I meet this guy, I will probably say, "man, you use your hand correctly, ha..ha..ha". Misti Talimin, as The Strait Times has reported, he used egg to rub women's chest. The women is 42 years old and work as property sales agent. This embarrassing incident took place in Woodlands at December 16, 2010. Misti which was representated by two lawyer now facing two years jail punishment or paying charge for this. Misti (50) cannot be punished by whipping punishment because the type of punishment is prohibited for people whose age is more than 50 years old. Man, I don't really know what he thinks at the moment so he used the egg to rub her chest. Another silly incident is happening in Singapore. Tange Tomio (39, Japanese), manager work in one of  Singapore oil company, taken to court...

The Secret Cook Club, Singapore

The Secret Cook Club_1 The Secret Cook Club_2 Having bored to eat with same condition and environment everyday? Maybe you can go for this special dinner place hosted by the Secret Cooks Club. This club is founded by expatriates Florian Comu (26) and Denisa Kera (36) and has attracted more than 200 members and bases its dinners on novel technology, philosophy, and food science concepts. If you attracted to this dinner club, you should pay about $40 (RM98) to $50 (RM122) each time. The club itself has been discussed in facebook page and many websites. Dr. Kera is a professor of interactive media design at National University of Singapore and...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Forrest Gump

You can download Forrest Gump here with these link:Forest Gump Part 1Forest Gump Part 2 Forest Gump Part 3 Forest Gump Part 4 Forest Gump Part 5 Forest Gump Part 6 Forest Gump Part 7 Forest Gump Part 8 Forest Gump Part 9 Forest Gump Part 10 Forest Gump Part 11 Forest Gump Part 12 Forest Gump Part 13 Forest Gump Part 14 Forest Gump Part 15 Forest Gump Part 16 Forest Gump Part 17 Forest Gump Part 18 Forest Gump Part 19 Forest Gump Part 20 Forest Gump Part 21 Forest Gump Part 22 Forest Gump Part 23 Forest Gump Part 24 Forest Gump Part...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Pursuit of Happyness

Well, I have read much article about some motivational movie, and this movie, The Pursuit of Happyness always be in top list of motivational movies. If you want to watch it, then here are the links. Download The Pursuit of Happyness. The beginning of the story is about Chris Gardner with his wife Linda and his 5 yeras old son Christopher, live in a small apartment. Chris Gardner spent all of his money to buy a franchise of Bone Density Scanner which he realize later that the product is too expensive, heavy, big, etc. With only sell two scanner in one day, he could survive for a month to pay apartment rent. Later, Chris and Linda cannot pay the...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Surf's Up (2007)

The story is about young penguin Cody Maverick who wants to be a pro surfer after he see a pro surfer performance (Big Z). Big Z also give Cody a necklace which become a precious thing for Cody. The young penguin Cody then has an ambition to be a pro surfer like Big Z and fortunately he join the pro surfing tournament after insisting to the tournament crew which come to his hometown to seek for talented surfer. Cody is angry to the champion of the surfing tournament because he (the champion) do not respect the monument of Big Z (Big Z is rumoured died in a prior surfing tournament). Cody then dueling with the champion, lost, and get unconscious....

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A Christmas Carol

Ebenezer Scrooge (Jim Carrey) is a smart, rich, and 100% stingy old man. He never do anything without calculating gain and loss. There are not anything important than money and even he lost good relationship with his girlfriend and family, and also no friends except his good employee which is so loyal to him. Ebenezer finally realize the poor reputation of him when his business partner which is already died came to him in the christmas eve to warn him that if he never change his attitude and character, then he will died and suffering. The chirstmas ghost come to him. The first is Ghost of Christmas Past (Jim Carrey) which show him his past life,...

Friday, January 7, 2011

Roller Coaster 3 Platinum

Damn, I wil never forget this game. This game is really great. It can let my imagination go wild to create a great coaster and wonderful park. Even this game is rather old, but I don't care. I am sure that many peoples love this game too. You can create a super speed coaster or a coster with wonderful scenery around it. You can also creat a wonderful swimming pool.Customize fireworks show which played in the night. You can build your own park which has specific theme such as Atlantic Theme, Science Theme, Horror Theme, etc. Creating your own landscape, such as fountain to beautify your park. If you use good graphic video card, you will see this...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Financial Accounting IFRS Edition Vol 1

Financial Accounting IFRS Edition Vol 1 by Weygandt, Kieso, and Kimmel. Here are the list of chapter and Powerpoint Slides. You can directly download from Wiley site here Chapter 1 Accounting in Action Chapter 2 The Recording Process Chapter 3 Adjusting The Accounts Chapter 4 Completing The Accounting Cycle Chapter 5 Accounting for Merchandising Operations Chapter 6 Inventories Chapter 7 Fraud, Internal Control, and Cash Chapter 8 Accounting for Receivables Chapter 9 Plant Assets, Natural Resources, and IntangibleAssets Chapter 10 Liabilities Chapter 11 Corporation Organizations, Share Transactions, Dividens, & Retained...

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