Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Charles Gibson - Financial Report Analysis 11e Ebook

Chapter 1 Introduction to Financial Reporting Chapter 2 Introduction to Financial Reporting Topics Chapter 3 Balance Sheet Chapter 4 Income Statement Chapter 5 Basics of Analysis Chapter 6 Liquidity of Short Term Assets; Related Debt-Paying Ability Chapter 7 Long term Debt-Paying Ability Chapter 8 Profitability Chapter 9 For the Investor Chapter 10 Statement of Cash Flows Chapter 11 Expanded Analysis Chapter 12 Special Industries: Banks, Utilities, Oild and Gas, Transportation, Insurance, Real Estate Companies Chapter 13 Personal Financial Statements and Accounting for Governments and Not for Profit Organizations If you need the Ebook, I have...

Friday, March 16, 2012

Galaxy Ace, Hope It Will Get ICS

After searching any news if Samsung Galaxy Ace will get ICS, finally I realize that my little Ace will not get it. Sadly, because I hope my ace will get it. There so much reason why Galaxy Ace is not getting ICS, mostly is because hardware requirement. Well, let me write that: 1. Not enough RAM. If I look the RAM of my little Ace, it sometimes like a 10 years old boy forced to lift up goods weight 15 kilograms while the boy can only bring goods weight 3 kilograms 2. No NFC and no front camera to face unlock. Well, I do not need face unlock because I still have my finger to slide to unlock. If I want my Ace appereance to be like Ice Cream Sandwhich, many developers have already made custom ROM. But it is just a theme and it is to risky for me to root and port the ROM. Is it a marketing strategy...

People Who Has a Heart Like An Angel

Bai Fang Li_1 I think I have though so many things about what would I be in the future. When I graduated from my university, I only care about job and getting so much money so I can buy everything I want and I can help  people with my money. Well, we all know that money is a great power to control everything. Is it really everything? Well, but in some conditions, money rules. But when I read about this old man story, I feel so sad and sometimes feel that my life gives no value to others. This is a true story about a pedicab driver. I give this article a title, People Who Has a Heart Like an Angel. This old man name is Bai Fang Li, a...

Analysis Financial Statement 10e - Subramanyam

Well, Analysis Financial Statement 10e by Subramanyam has been released. I haven't post to this blog for a long time I guess. But, just to help you to learn the material of this book, I have uploaded the powerpoint. Hope these slides help you much. Ch01 Overview of Financial Statement Analysis Ch02 Financial Reporting and Analysis Ch03 Analyzing Financial Activites Ch04 Analyzing Investing Activities Ch05 Analyzing Investing Activities - Intercorporate Investments Ch06 Analyzing Operating Activities Ch07 Cash Flow Analysis Ch08 Return on Invested Capital and Profitability Analysis Ch09 Prospective Analysis Ch10 Credit Analysis Ch11 Equity...

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