Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Pirated software in Original Package
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Pirated Software
Sweeping against the pirated software is started from the Business Software Alliance (BSA), which will provide a contest prize of Rp. 50 million to the company that reported the use of pirated software. Step is done because the BSA claimed Indonesia as the biggest state to 4-in software piracy of 88%.
Things that have the police make the sweeping enthusiasm. Figures Rp. 50 million per company is gedhe lho. Imagine if in a city police arrest 10 companies. BSA from them can be a maximum of Rp. 500 million, while from the company, not the police may not find.
Is not this strange? Police can easily find a place dijualnya software is pirated, but why sweeping is done in the companies? Why the seller pirated software is not arrested? Regardless of the reason, the situation becomes so complicated. Buy genuine software is not easy because the price is relatively expensive, whereas if it does not use the software, of course we will be left behind, and information technology. Maybe we should use software-cheap software or trial software with limited features or find free software with the ability of the rather equal.
Jakarta will sink?
However, more needs to be whether that be the biggest threat to the city of Jakarta. The fact is the development in Jakarta is uncontrolled. Can be seen now that the development of Jakarta is not restrained with a drainage system that is not good. Another reason is that the population of Jakarta has been using ground water are uncontrollable also surpass the limit of a reasonable use of land to be so empty.
The Committee on Climate Change, a body affiliated with the government estimates the high sea level in the year 2025 will increase 5 cm. However Brinkman (Jaap Brinkman, engineers who work in the body of consultant the Netherlands, Delft Hydraulics) Jakarta said the height will be 40-60 cm lower than the height now. Areas affected if Jakarta is sinking areas near the Sea of Java.
For many years ago we tell each other to flood in Jakarta that is happen once in 5 years. But try to see for 3 last year, flood is happen every year and even a heavy rain had immobilized Jakarta. We should be carefully about this. Maybe we should build building with planned drainage. Or maybe we must think about natural home building with sun power. Hope we can save the earth
Keep Your Virginity Girls, It's Your Precious from God
It's not fair if we only see this phenomenon only from one perspective only, namely the women. The men also have a large portion in this issue. The men now tend to turn into a 'hunter' as in 'hunter virginity'. They look for lovers who are still virgin. Unfortunately, they have a search for lovers of the junior high school other than the senior high school. We should cry about this. Boy (youngsters) sometime even the same as an animal. They can not control theirself and controlled by their insting and carnality. Sorry, I have to say that.
'Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward'
Psalm 127:3 of 5
Read the Psalm. Read it carefully. The man should be the man in front of the mighty God. Not the other. And women, see, read and see. Your 'fruit of the womb', that is a reward. That statement is talk about virginity too. Keep that until you marry someone you love. Slap the man that want to steal your virginity. Please, I'm getting crazy if I read someone making love first experience in some forum. They talked about it like shit! They talked it like it's some fun. Yes, that's fun but not at the age, not at the time. Enjoy it when you marry someone, but not do that (free sex) of grilfriend with your boyfriend, or even your cousin, and that's more terrible!
What I'm telling you about this. It's because I feel it too. No, I never do sex free or payed one. But because, pornography is a destructive weapon too. It destroy generation 5-10 or 20 years later. So, please, be good, be faithful, believe in Jesus.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Habbit in the Office
, SBS can be defined as a situation where the symptoms appear the disease-related conditions in the office room, where the infectious diseases that can not be clearly identified and depending on the length of time spent in the office. SBS is also related to the same free radicals. Still confused?
• Dry Skin
• Pusing-dizzy
• Pain Management throat
• It's hard to concentrate (the only one dealing perkerjaan)
• nosebleed
• Disturbance in the joints
• cramps
• Quick capek (NGOs-ngosan only when running)
• Fever
• As experience something different when leaving the office
you definitely start feeling a headache attack. Being a single room with a photocopier / fax? Indeed, we make it easier to reproduce the documents, which places a lot of office photocopy machine in a room together with the workers or the other. but from the photocopier / fax, radiated ultraviolet rays which can form ozone in the room. Ozone in the room can make the eyes and irritation long run can cause cancer!
Ngerasa safe because only accompanied by a computer? Keyboard, mouse and computer screen that is the enemy in the blanket! Did you, if it turns the computer keyboard or mouse that is rarely cleaned, the more dirty than the toilet seat? Hiii serem! Computer monitor was also ultarviolet rays that can cause eye irritation and other health disturbances.
Safe because there is no longer a smoking room in your workplace? I mean you do the negative effects of the printer! toner in laser printers can also damage the lungs with a degree comparable with the particles produced cigarettes! The latest research conducted by Queensland University, Australia says a number of the printer brand and model of this show most of toner (powder laserjet printers) in the lungs, especially for those who frequently use the printer or are in a room with a printer engine. Third of the 60 examined the printer engine, found contamination of the toner particles that can enter the lungs, and cause a disruption in the respiratory tract, or other chronic disturbances!
In fact, in room safe and comfortable, such as office buildings, we do not guarantee to be free from the free radicals. If so, try to complete all work in the office do not get overtime, the clock entered the office, it cabutttt !!!!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Lifestyle, change of generation
Try to see the effect of the lifestyle. Is it good or bad? Young people play games until midnight and even until the morning. Improvident because the switch turns the car phone. Girls are not confidence without cosmetics. They put their self esteem and confidence in their cosmetics . Youngsters do street race to get respect from fellow young people. They do not even fear of an accident. Club drugs and are on the headline of the newspaper day by day.
What bible tell about this lifestyle?
Playing game is okay but you should manage your time wisely. Don't change your mobile phone if it still good. Yes, it's your right to do it, but your money is your parents money and it is Lord's money too. Manage your money wisely. Girls, be confidence even you don't use cosmetics. Using cosmetics is okay but do not put your pride in the pada that cosmetics. Your pride is:
"Who you are in the Lord's eyes" and "Your are precious for the Lord whatever happen to you"
1 CORINTHIANS 6:12 ,"Everything is permissible (allowable and lawful) for me; but not all things are helpful (good for me to do, expedient and profitable when considered with other things). Everything is lawful for me,
but I will not become the slave of anything or be brought under its power."
1 CORINTHIANS 6:12 ,"All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any."