Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pirated software in Original Package

For those of you who want to start buying pirated software now seems to be careful. The pirate software are now starting to sell smart in their pirated software results. Internatioal Data Corp. (IDC) reveals the surprising thing is the pirate software are now starting to deceive consumers by selling pirated software in the original packaging. When we look at the regular pirate pirated software sold in plastic wrap, but now advances in technology also make it easier for them to form the original software package. IDC found that the packaging used by the hijacker was almost the same as the original packaging and the use of the optic disc for high-quality...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pirated Software

Maybe you should use trial software now. Why, because sweeping for pirated software is in progress. Sweeping for more incentive pirated software run by the police. This sweeping run in the company. All of the computers that use pirated software will be the police. Somehow what melandasi dilakukanya pirated software in the operating companies. Company made difficult to hide the existence of the computer installed pirated software such as windows, norton antivirus, adobe, etc.Sweeping against the pirated software is started from the Business Software Alliance (BSA), which will provide a contest prize of Rp. 50 million to the company that reported...

Jakarta will sink?

Jakarta threatened drowned on December 6 years old in 2025. This issue has been long enough to hear but it seems not many people bring to the people of Indonesia-Jakarta in particular. This arises due to the threat of development is not a good governance environment. Jakarta sinking on that date based on cycle astronomikal 18.6 years. At that time, higher sea level will rise dramatically, so the city can sink a 12 million is. Many reasons related to this threat. The most heard is increasing the earth temperature or global warming.However, more needs to be whether that be the biggest threat to the city of Jakarta. The fact is the development in Jakarta is uncontrolled. Can be seen now that the development of Jakarta is not restrained with a drainage system that is not good. Another reason...

Keep Your Virginity Girls, It's Your Precious from God

When we see these days, we should be sad and cry. Men and women, young people now, they live with free. They do free sex with no load. Indeed concern. Especially the women, virginity is no longer considered as something that must be maintained. Day-to-day this may be the number of women who have lost their virginity already increasing. This not a form of achievement that should be of. There is one thing that seemed out of each sex is free, it seems that women, especially young people the emotion is still unstable, it may also feel a burden to maintain their virginity. Eventually happens is that, they even tried to remove it. On whom? In the men who they love, not her husband, but they are lovers. And then what happens? They feel addicted. Addicted to perform free sex. Fear to do it free sex...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Habbit in the Office

If you are still hanging around first before returning to home from office, smoking in the smoking room or even surfing internet such as Facebook, Friendster (and that is not working time), you have to know. Try to avoid activities rich yesteryear. Better go home! Office space is comfortable with the cool wind blowing from the AC, the room space divider, practical because it is 1 room with fax and photocopy machine, do not guarantee that if your health will be guaranteed for the room is in the office. you must get to know the SBS alias "Sick Building Syndrome". SBS can be defined as interference experienced by health workers in the building, because of poor ventilation and the presence of contamination in the air pollutant. According to the website Indoor Air Quality , SBS can...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Lifestyle, change of generation

Now we will discuss about the lifestyle. trend or lifestyle change from time to time? Trend has become a promising business. Not only because of the broad market but also because of its development continues from time to time. Clothes, cosmetics, technology, gaming, mobile phone, computer, notebook, laptop, fashion, hairstlye, car, motorcycle are part of the lifestyle. Clothes change time to time. For girls, using cosmetics maybe is a must now. For what? Maybe it's for one purpose. To be beautiful so boys will love her. Games, your kids play game all time. We can see inside a cybercafe. There are so many youngsters play in the cybercafe and they don't play it for an hour, but two until eight hours. Wow, it's the same as their father spend in office. Mobile phone, maybe this time, one people...

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