Maybe you should use trial software now. Why, because sweeping for pirated software is in progress. Sweeping for more incentive pirated software run by the police. This sweeping run in the company. All of the computers that use pirated software will be the police. Somehow what melandasi dilakukanya pirated software in the operating companies. Company made difficult to hide the existence of the computer installed pirated software such as windows, norton antivirus, adobe, etc.

Sweeping against the pirated software is started from the Business Software Alliance (BSA), which will provide a contest prize of Rp. 50 million to the company that reported the use of pirated software. Step is done because the BSA claimed Indonesia as the biggest state to 4-in software piracy of 88%.
Things that have the police make the sweeping enthusiasm. Figures Rp. 50 million per company is gedhe lho. Imagine if in a city police arrest 10 companies. BSA from them can be a maximum of Rp. 500 million, while from the company, not the police may no
t find.
Is not this strange? Police can easily find a place dijualnya software is pirated, but why sweeping is done in the companies? Why the seller pirated software is not arrested? Regardless of the reason, the situation becomes so complicated. Buy genuine software is not easy because the price is relatively expensive, whereas if it does not use the software, of course we will be left behind, and information technology. Maybe we should use software-cheap software or trial software with limited features or find free software with the ability of the rather equal.

Things that have the police make the sweeping enthusiasm. Figures Rp. 50 million per company is gedhe lho. Imagine if in a city police arrest 10 companies. BSA from them can be a maximum of Rp. 500 million, while from the company, not the police may no

Is not this strange? Police can easily find a place dijualnya software is pirated, but why sweeping is done in the companies? Why the seller pirated software is not arrested? Regardless of the reason, the situation becomes so complicated. Buy genuine software is not easy because the price is relatively expensive, whereas if it does not use the software, of course we will be left behind, and information technology. Maybe we should use software-cheap software or trial software with limited features or find free software with the ability of the rather equal.
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