For those of you who want to start buying pirated software now seems to be careful. The pirate software are now starting to sell smart in their pirated software results. Internatioal Data Corp. (IDC) reveals the surprising thing is the pirate software are now starting to deceive consumers by selling pirated software in the original packaging. When we look at the regular pirate pirated software sold in plastic wrap, but now advances in technology also make it easier for them to form the original software package. IDC found that the packaging used by the
hijacker was almost the same as the original packaging and the use of the optic disc for high-quality CS enwrap optic disc or DVD of high qualit
y also. The hijacker also write down the serial number and product name permanently on the optic disc the withdrawal genuine software and not less interesting is the pirated software is also using the hologram as if the original software. In crisis like this is reasonable if the company tighten belt. They buy the original software with cheap prices. Unfortunately, this is seen as a chance for the pirate. IDC has warned that the use of pirated software have a high risk. "Software keeps plowing huge security risk because criminals usually smuggle in programs such as viruses or Trojan in the software. Developing countries is not only a misguided, even the UK is also a fraud. 37% of small and medium enterprises in the UK with terpedaya buy pirated software are the original packaging. IDC also assert that the use of pirated software have a greater risk of data loss, malware, and Trojan. Finally, they must issue a budget to deal with virus infection. Microsoft provides Software Asset Management (SAM). With the service, companies can learn more quickly, the original software and not on the computer. In Indonesia alone there are PT. YKK zipper and PT Indonesia sika that can save time inventory software with the success of their respective 70% and 60%. Furthermore, Microsoft Indonesia also provides 20% discount and a bonus interest of distributors to the company who bought the software so that Microsoft is expected to alleviate the burden of buying a software company in the original.

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